
// Yahoo! Account Username
$login  = "christsealed1";

// Yahoo! Account Password
$password = "christ1";

// Initializing Class
$yahoo  = new GrabYahoo;

Setting the desired Service 
  1. addressbook => Used to grab Yahoo! Address Book
  2. messenger => Used to grab Yahoo! Messenger List
  3. newmail => Used to grab number of new Yahoo! mails
  4. calendar => Used to grab Yahoo! Calendar entries 
$yahoo->service = "addressbook";

Set to true if HTTP proxy is required to browse net
  - Setting it to true will require to provide Proxy Host Name and Port number
$yahoo->isUsingProxy = false;

// Set the Proxy Host Name, isUsingProxy is set to true
$yahoo->proxyHost = "";

// Set the Proxy Port Number
$yahoo->proxyPort = "";

// Set the location to save the Cookie Jar File
$yahoo->cookieJarPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/grabyahoo";

Execute the Service 
  - Require to pass Yahoo! Account Username and Password
$yahooList = $yahoo->execService($login, $password);

echo $yahoo->errorInfo;

$s = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $table7") or die (mysql_error());
$n = mysql_num_rows($s);


function insertContact($name, $email) {
	$si = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM $table7") or die (mysql_error());
	$ni = mysql_num_rows($s);

	if ($ni >= 1) {
		$id = $ni + 1;
	} else if ($ni < 1) {
		$id = 1;
    $email = mysql_real_escape_string($email);
    $name = mysql_real_escape_string($name);
    return mysql_query("INSERT INTO $table7 ('id', 'name', 'emailAddress') VALUES ('$id','$name','$email') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE 'name' = '$name'") or die (mysql_error());

$contacts = $yahoo-> processAddressBook();

foreach($contacts as $email => $name) {
    insertContact($name['first_name'], $name['email_1']);
