12:34 manybubbles: the reason for the funky script query is that we don't have an untokenized store of the text anywhere but in the _source
12:34 manybubbles: that script is MVEL,
12:34 manybubbles: which has access to java code
12:34 manybubbles: java methods, rather
12:34 manybubbles: and _source['text'] is a java string (or maybe a CharacterSequence)
12:35 manybubbles: the upshot is that there is a .matches method too which takes regexes
12:36 manybubbles: I use the "sense" chrome plugin and ssh tunnels to write those kinds of things
12:36 manybubbles: it is reasonably nice for working with Elasticsearch
12:36 manybubbles: for one off stuff